Thursday, October 31, 2019

The Importance of Identity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

The Importance of Identity - Essay Example In essence, it is argued that although ones identity is associated with good things, there is also a bad side of it. For example, some people may fear being identified with certain race or ethnicity with a perception or a belief that other races or ethnic groups are better than others. In fact, people of a certain race may be discriminated against by people of a different race especially where racism is prominent. Identity is also argued to be ones beliefs and personality. These traits constitute what people are and what they stand for. For example, in leadership, the belief of integrity in leadership may portray a picture of what one stands for, and this is what other people identify a leader with. Another example is that, if one believes in success, it is apparent that such a person would thoroughly prepare for an interview, and because of confidence and the thorough preparation, the interviewer finds a distinct personality in the interviewee, something that is factored into when recruiting people. Talent is also another form of identity, which people are identified with. It is what one is best known for that makes one distinct from others. Most of the things that happen to people are as a result of their identity. Although there is natural and constructed identity, in most cases, constructed identity occupies the biggest part of people’s lives. All in all, identity is vital in people’s

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

New Market Expansion Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

New Market Expansion - Term Paper Example The company holds approximately 40,000 acres of rare-earth elements in various parts of the U.S including Colorado and Montana. The rare-earth minerals have been an important resource used in most advanced technologies, particularly clean-energy technology such as that used in energy-efficient cars as well as hi-tech products such as mobile phones, hard disk drives, digital music devices as well as the telecommunication sector including fiber-optic technology (U.S. Rare Earths, Inc., 2013). Additionally, these minerals have been used as in water purification treatments as well as radar devices and global navigation (U.S. Rare Earths, Inc., 2013). Therefore, this industry is highly valuable in terms of the usage of these minerals, and therefore, is highly rewarding as well. As noted by researchers, China is currently the single source that is enriched with these minerals and supplies 90% of the world’s supply of rare earths (Bloomberg News, 2013). As per China’s policy, exports of rare earths have been decreased with government plans to hoard up critical minerals. The Government of China seems to be taking active interest in this booming industry with the intention of developing particular types of â€Å"permanent magnets (Zhang, 2011)†. ... On the other hand, China’s recent move to cut exports critical to Western technologies seems to signal the government’s intention to give priority to the locals. This could threaten our ability to secure contract with the Chinese firm Xinhua which has been established for over 15 years in the field. Nevertheless, this industry provides the opportunity for lucrative profits as international prices of rare earth minerals are expected to rise (Market Watch: The Wall Street Journal, 2013). These prices are expected to increase for another two years or so. This demonstrates strong economic activity boosted by technological advancements and industrial demand. Owing to the critical political significance of this sector, the Chinese government is taking active interest in this industry by dictating policies for the exploitation of these rare minerals. The mounting political significance of this sector has led the government to maintain a great deal of ‘secrecy’ reg arding recent developments in this sector and, therefore, gaining the trust of the government as well as Xinhua will be a challenge. Despite various challenges, there is strong basis for entering into the Chinese market. In light of this, a joint venture arrangement shall be held with a local Chinese Rare Earth firm Xinhua. Considering that the company is dominantly Western in nature, this expansion shall mark a dramatic cultural shift in terms of the work practices and management style. For this purpose, it is useful to analyze the Chinese culture using the â€Å"high context† and â€Å"low context† classification. High context cultures have been typically defined as those whereby individuals use non-verbal

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Catholic Views on Social Issues

Catholic Views on Social Issues â€Å"Religion is the set beliefs, feelings, dogmas and practices that define the relations between human being and sacred or divinity† (Green, 1962, pg. 1). Religion is a way for people to have a strong confidence in something greater than themselves. Religion also brings unity to communities by creating stability and order. On the other hand, some critics may argue that religion creates more conflict than resolution, due to corruption and contradiction. Religion can be defined in three characteristics: Believes and religious practices, the religious feeling (such as faith), and unity in a community of those who share the same faith (such as the Church)† (Green, 1962, pg. 1). Thus, this essay will discuss the changing nature and views of Catholicism on social justice issues such as reproduction, crime and punishment, and same-sex marriage. This essay will argue that Catholicism has now taken a more flexible approach to social justice issues in comparison to how Catholic ism was practiced earlier. Many social theorists of the past have seen the diminishment of religion as imminent and desirable (Mainwaring, 1986). For instance, in 1830, Ludwig Feuerbach dismissed religion as a projection, and deemed that it would not last long. At the same time, Marx agreed with this assessment and believed that religion was an ideological mystification that created a divide between the bourgeoisie and the rest of the classes (Mainwaring, 1986). In a study conducted by Cook (1993) and associates, a state exit poll was conducted in 1990 to determine whether Roman Catholicism affects abortion attitudes. The individual-level effects in which the Church socializes individual members was compared alongside contextual effects, in which the Church affects abortion attitudes by altering the terms of the debate outside the Church’s membership (Cook et al., 1993, p. 223). Both effects were found to be statistically significant (the effects were reliable), although the contextual effects of Catholicism were negative (Cook et al., 1993, p. 223). This part of the study suggested that the Catholic Church is affective in teaching anti-abortion attitudes to its members, but that a strong Catholic presence in a state influences citizens in a counter mobilization way, on the part of non-Catholics (Cook et al., 1993, p. 223). Oliver (2008) makes an excellent point in understanding the relationship between the Catholic Church and social justice. For instance, Oliver (2008) states that in order to have a deeper understanding of the Catholic perspective of crime and criminal justice, one must have an understanding of the central concept that lies at the heart of the criminal justice system (p. 3). For instance, there is a human desire for justice. In Catholicism, there are those who are religious that seek justice in the world so that God’s will is done on earth. There are also a set group of people who profess no religion that seek justice through the court system based on the rule of law.[1] Oliver (2008, p. 223) also points out that in the mid-1800’s, the Catholic Church had prodded the medical community to prevent midwives and rogue doctors from performing abortions. Further, the Catholic Church drew upon the fact that abortion was immoral, and thus both the Catholic Church and many physicians argued that the health of the woman was put at risk (Oliver, 2008, p. 223). However, as awareness regarding abortions grew and as time went on, there were changing attitudes towards abortion. For instance, doctors claimed that they should be the only ones to carry out abortions (although they were the same doctors that felt it was morally wrong), and the American Medical Association began to hold the reigns of the issues of abortion more so than the Catholic Church. Thus, since the topic of abortion is a social justice issue in which Catholic views on the issues have been changing as opposed to stagnant, this supports the thesis that Catholic standpoints are becoming less stringent than they were previously. The other issue related to the social justice topic of abortion is the topic of justice in and of itself. Justice in the Catholic faith brings in another perspective. From the Catholic standpoint, justice is based on the word of God, the teaching of Jesus Christ, and the Traditions of the Roman Catholic Church (Oliver, 2008, p. 4). Moreover, in American penal organizations, Post-revolutionary Catholicism favoured a democratic model of authority, local autonomy, and the separation of the Church and the state (Stotnicki, 2013, p. 83). In other words, a congregational pattern of church polity was regarded as the most acceptable model of the prison system (Stotnick, 2013, p. 83). Thus, this points to a symbiotic relationship between Catholicism and the criminal justice system in which Catholicism worked hand-in-hand with social justice, and in some cases, removing signs of religion from within the system to maintain the justice system’s autonomy. However, in 1973 an event in New Y ork changed the landscape in which Catholic teachings would be allowed in the penal system. For instance, in 1973, the United States Catholic Conference (USCC) published a Reform paper on Correctional Institutions in the 70s and claimed that certain practices they were proponents of, decreased recidivism rates, while results showed the opposite-that recidivism rates increased with such practices (Stotnicki, 2013, p. 84). The other issues with the paper were that the paper called for rehabilitation without defining what it meant by the term and what goals would be accomplished (Ibid., p. 84). Lastly, the paper called for alternatives to prison, without giving examples of such alternatives (Ibid., p. 84). Furthermore, Stotnicki (2013) argues that the concept of deterrence does not fit in with the Catholic religion. Thus, this could point to delineation where the Catholic tradition had less of an impact on the penal system than it did in previous decades. A principle component of Catholicism and the criminal justice system is that incapacitation should be used to reshape the beneficent values of a market economy on a case-by-case basis (Stotnicki, 2013). What is interesting about trends in social justice and Catholicism is that in a Gallup poll conducted in 2004, 71% of Protestants and 66% of Catholics support the use of capital punishment (Stotnicki, 2012). Although this poll was taken over 10 years ago, what is interesting is that capital punishment is not in line with the New Testament although arguably, it is an Old Testament principle; this is fodder against the argument that Catholicism has not taken a flexible approach in comparison to earlier years if the Gallup poll is anything to go by. On the other hand, opinions (particularly with people that identify as Catholic) might be changing in as fast as 10 years. The last issue that warrants mention on the topic of Catholicism and social justice is the topic of same-sex marriages. The topic of same-sex marriage is a social justice issue because it is an issue which affects a large segment of the population and it is a contentious issue which has sparked debate over the last few decades in Western society. For instance, Dempsey (2008) demonstrates that the Catholic Church holds the view that circumstances may increase the culpability of a person to engage in homosexual acts (p. 77). Furthermore, Dempsey (2008) points out that Catholics believe that respect for the basic human dignity of the homosexual entails respect for his ability to cooperate freely with God’s grace in turning from evil ways and embracing a chaste life in Christian love (Ibid., p. 77). The Catholic Church affirms the natural law and Christian vision of marriage as the loving and life-giving union of a man and a woman (Dempsey, 2008, p.77). Furthermore, the Catholic C ongregation beliefs that â€Å"a person engaging in homosexual behaviour therefore acts immorally.† (Ibid., p. 77). The Catholic teaching then tries to take a scientific spin on the union of marriage by arguing that homosexual activity is not a complimentary union, able to transmit life, and so it halts the call to life and thus of self-giving, in which the Gospel claims is the essence of Christian living. Thus, the Catholic Church tries to use morality and science to argue against the notion of same-sex marriages. On one hand, the Catholic Church respects homosexuals as people, yet on the other hand, part of the statement calls such acts â€Å"evil† and invites the â€Å"evil-doer† to embrace a chaste life in Christian love. Thus, in this regard, the Catholic Church still has a long ways to go before it deals wholly with the issues of same-sex marriage and homosexuality. Having said that, in an interview with Pope Francis in the summer of 2013, the Pope stated that while homosexual acts were sinful, homosexual orientation was not.[2] This shift in attitude although still stringent but making some leeway towards homosexuality, demonstrates that there has been a change to views on homosexuality as the world becomes more global and accepting of same-sex marriages. The other reason why the topic of same-sex marriage is a social justice issue is because it has been an issue that has seen the inside of courtrooms throughout historical debate. For instance, Olson and associates (2006) argue that public opinion has had a major impact on same-sex marriage discourse. Furthermore, Canadian cases like M. v. H. [1999] has provided awareness to the cause of same sex-marriages. In the case of M.v.H, the Supreme Court of Canada ordered Ontario to amend its definition of family to include cohabitation of partners (whether male or female). Thus, in this case, lesbian and gay couples were given the same rights and responsibilities that married, opposite-sex couples traditionally have. Further to Olson and associates’ (2006, p. 342) study, while Americans have become less willing to restrict the civil rights of gays and lesbians, religion has been seen as a sometimes ambiguous influence on the opinions on homosexuality. Once again, these findings indicate that there have been small steps in Catholic opinions on homosexuality and same sex marriage. Conclusion Skotnicki (2013) argues that the Catholic Church plays a limited role in determining American correctional policy due to a failure at variance with significant developments in its own history (p.1). Skotnicki’s (2013) statement points to either a reform in Catholic policies in order to co-exist in the changing times, or more flexibility in its outlook on criminal justice practices. In critiquing the effect that Catholicism has had in the criminal justice system, Stotnicki (2013) further argues that while the prison system needs a clear system of why it has the right to punish- not in terms of vengeance of self-interest, but in terms of human life and human community, the Catholic Church has failed to provide significant help in addressing the crisis of punishment and reoffending. What is clear is that the Catholic Church’s landscape is changing. For instance, Curran (2010) states that the understanding of the Church (ecclesiology) is changing, the sociological relations hip of the Catholic Church to U.S. Society is changing, and the circumstances affecting social justice, along with Catholicism, are changing in the United States. With these changes, the social mission of the Church is also changing, thus allowing for more flexible practices in social justice and social tolerance. References Cook, A.E., Jelen, G.T., Wilcox, C. (1993). Catholicism and Abortion: Attitudes in the American  States: A Contextual Analysis. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 32(3), 223-230. Curran, E. C. (2010). The Social Mission of the U.S. Catholic Church: A Theological  Perspective. (Washington: Georgetown University Press). Dempsey, J, R. (2008). The Catholic Church’s teaching about Same-Sex Marriage. The Linacre  Quarterly, Volume 75. Graham, G. (1962). The Power and the Glory. (UK: Penguin Books).   M.v.H. [1999] 2. S.C.R. 3. Mainwaring, S. (1986). The Catholic Church and Politics in Brazil, 1910-1985. (CA: Stanford  University Press). Oliver, M. W. (2008 ). Catholic Perspectives on Crime and Criminal Justice. (MD: Lexington  Books). Olson, L, R., Cadge, W., Harrison, T. J. (2006). Religion and Public Opinion about same-sex  Marriage. Social Science Quarterly 87(2). Pope Francis: Who am I to judge gay people? BBC News. 29 July 2013. Retrieved 26 March  2015 from Skotnicki, A. (2012). The Last Judgment: Christian Ethics in a Legal Culture. (Vermont:  Ashgate Publishing Company). Skotnicki, A. (2013). The U.S. Catholic Church and Criminal Justice. New Theology Review. [1] It is arguable that the doctrine of the Rule of Law has religious underpinnings. [2] Statement taken from an interview conducted with Pope Francis. Interview Retrieved from BBC News on March 26th 2015 from

Friday, October 25, 2019

All Quiet on the Western Front Essays: Can’t Go Home Again :: All Quiet on the Western Front Essays

Can’t Go Home Again – All Quiet on the Western Front During his leave, perhaps Baumer’s most striking realization of the vacuity of words in his former society occurs when he is alone in his old room in his parents’ house. After being unsuccessful in feeling a part of his old society by speaking with his mother and his father and his father’s friends, Baumer attempts to reaffiliate with his past by once again becoming a resident of the place. Here, among his mementos, the pictures and postcards on the wall, the familiar and comfortable brown leather sofa, Baumer waits for something that will allow him to feel a part of his pre-enlistment world. It is his old schoolbooks that symbolize that older, more contemplative, less military world and which Baumer hopes will bring him back to his younger innocent ways. I want that quiet rapture again. I want to feel the same powerful, nameless urge that I used to feel when I turned to my books. The breath of desire that then arose from the colored backs of the books, shall fill me again, melt the heavy, dead lump of lead that lies somewhere in me and waken again the impatience of the future, the quick joy in the world of thought, it shall bring back again the lost eagerness of my youth. I sit and wait (Remarque, All Quiet VII. 151).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   But Baumer continues to wait and the sign does not come; the quiet rapture does not occur. The room itself, and the pre-enlistment world it represents, become alien to him. "A sudden feeling of foreignness suddenly rises in me. I cannot find my way back" (Remarque, All Quiet VII. 152). Baumer understands that he is irredeemably lost to the primitive, military, non-academic world of the war. Ultimately, the books are worthless because the words in them are meaningless. "Words, Words, Words—they do not reach me. Slowly I place the books back in the shelves. Nevermore" (Remarque, All Quiet VII. 153). In his experiences with traditional society, Baumer perverts language, that which separates the human from the beast, to the point where it has no meaning. Baumer shows his rejection of that traditional society by refusing to, or being unable to, use the standards of its language.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Contrasted with Baumer’s experiences during his visit home are his dealings with his fellow trench soldiers.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Building Refurbishment and maintenance

A sustainable building is a building which is in its construction performs in an environmentally sound way, essentially in terms of energy and water efficiency and waste/pollution management. These key factors are the core of buildings sustainability after its maintenance. They also result in minimal environmental pollution hence no environmental risk Optimizing energy use:- With concerns for energy security increasing, it’s vital to consider the impact of greenhouse gases on world climate rising, therefore essential to find of reducing load, increase efficiency and utilize renewable energy resources.Considering the refurbished building both the restaurant and the bar. Backup power energy should be put into consideration, they include solar source, battery backup for the pool/snooker floor and both restaurant and bar. Energy usage should be shared according to the need of each floors need. Cabling of both the data and power cables should be done by professionals to avoid any f uture power problem including disaster in then building. Protect and conserve water:- In many parts of the country, fresh water is an increasingly scarce resource.A sustainable building should reduce control, or treat site-runoff, use water efficiently, and reuse or recycle water for on-site use when feasible. In the building the distribution of the water resource should also be based in each floors needs. Determining water consumption during the developing of a strategy for retaining water for re-use (commonly the water is re-used is toilet flushing, cooling towers or irrigation) (Taylor, 2006). The main bar and restaurant are a priority compared to the upper snooker and pool floor.It’s also vital to create a reservoir for the buildings water on top of the snooker/pool floor. This will enhance sustainability of then building in terms of water resource. Use of environmentally preferable products:- This sustainable building should be constructed of materials that will minimize life-cycle environmental impacts or hazard such as global warming, resource depletion, and human toxicity. The Executive order 13423 defines these environmentally preferable materials.They are products or services that have a minimal or reduced effect on human health and the environment when compared with competing products or services serving similar purpose. Thus, they contribute to improved worker safety and also health, reduced liabilities, reduced disposal costs, hence enhancing the buildings sustainability. Enhance indoor environmental quality:- The indoor environmental quality of the building has a significant impact on occupant health, comfort, and productivity.Therefore this intended sustainable building should maximize day lighting with appropriate ventilation and moisture control, no use of materials with high-Volatile Organic Compounds emissions. Additional consideration must be given to ventilation and filtration to mitigate chemical, biological, and radiological attac k in the general building. The building should also consider remedies to smokers in the bar and snooker /pool apartment and be able to ensure that no-smokers in and out of the building are not affected. This can be easily enhanced by creating a special room to cater for such customers.This room should be sealed and properly ventilated to avoid any air toxic pollution to the environment. The building should also meet requirements of environmental legislation, protect and enhance natural environment and protect human health and well being. Optimize operational and maintenance practices:- It’s also vital to incorporate operating and maintenance considerations into the refurbishing of this facility this will greatly contribute to improved working environments, higher productivity and reduced energy and resource costs.Designers should be encouraged to specify materials and systems that simplify or reduce maintenance requirements, such should require less water, energy, and toxic c hemicals and cleaners to maintain; and are cost-effective and reduce life-cycle costs hence enhancing sustainability if the building in general. In general ensuring the specification refurbished and maintained building takes account of economic, social and environmental issues and should set targets for key performance indicators, such as energy, water use and waste production minimized. .Reflective question My personal reflection of then research on adopting and maintaining a building such as this story building is varied in my view and understanding. They consecutively include:- Important issues:-It’s vital and important to consider energy, water, and environmental impacts of the building during refurbishment and maintenance. Energy enhances and ensures the buildings sustainability by providing necessary energy requirement for both the restaurant and the bar. A good measure for backup of energy also ensures the buildings sustainability.Water is a major consideration in any premise that is to be sustained for a long time. Ensuring that correct measures and precautions are taken to conserve this precious commodity will lead to the buildings sustainability. Environmental precautions from all harmful products are also a necessity to consider not only to sustain the building but also to ensure the safety of the people in the premise. Meaningful issues: – It was meaningful to establish a collaborate design model that enhances the buildings sustainability. I found out the benefits of documenting a maintenance policy becausecomprehensive maintenance policy will: facilitate compliance with relevant government policies and statutory requirements hence ensuring the buildings sustainability. Facilitate consistency in department of bar, restaurant and snooker/pool rooms, maintenance also promote effective maintenance and management practices among departmental asset and facility managers support the conduct of maintenance activities by service providers. Th e determination of condition standard ratings for building assets as per MMF policy requirement 2 is fundamental to the maintenance management process.The standards provide a clear statement of the level to which assets in the building must be maintained to meet service delivery needs. Condition standards: are the departmental maintenance strategies and plans Building Maintenance Policy, Strategy Development Maintenance Management Framework Guideline 5 element groups ( like superstructure, finishes, services) elements (like roof, external walls, floor finishes, lighting, air conditioning) sub-elements (like brick walls, distribution boards, ductwork, controls).are benchmarks against which building condition assessment results is evaluated (thus identifying the extent of any gap between desired and actual building condition) facilitate the analysis of actual condition over time (such as detection, monitoring and forward-projection of trends in building condition) hence, during the co ndition assessment process, maintenance service providers focus only on work required to bring up an asset to the specified condition (rather than unnecessarily identify work that may exceed departmental requirements).Determination of condition standards is more effective when undertaken by departmental teams involving: facility managers; asset user representative’s business managers; portfolio asset managers; and maintenance service providers. Good issues:- I also noted that assessing all possible uses of existing buildings, recycling buildings and spaces for reuse in the shortest practicable time, saves as much as possible of the existing infrastructure. Keeping records of what is there at the moment is important, prior to any demolition process.Decisive issues: – I also noted that the condition of a building refurbishing asset such as a building’s physical state of repair influences its physical and also functional performance. Its vital for a building to ass ign standard such: Condition standard rating, departmental maintenance, as before assigning a condition standard rating to a building asset, departments should carefully consider what they require of that asset (bar and Restaurant and the snooker/pool rooms). The ratings should begin with a review of department’s service delivery plan.This review determines: The criticality to service delivery, and the required function for each of the three building portfolio. (1) Assigning condition standard ratings (2) preparing a departmental maintenance strategy (3) developing a Strategic Maintenance Plan. Uncomfortable issues: – It was also worth and uncomfortable to note that finishes of building elements such as walls and coatings of certain equipment inside buildings can release toxic contaminants into air, causing air pollution especially indoors. Another problem of building use is the generation of solid waste and wastewater in this time of fewer water supplies.Conclusions T o conclude the refurbishing and maintenance of the three story building with a bar, restaurant and snooker/pool. It has been vehemently established that in refurbishing a building like this, to enhance its sustainability, one should consider the three main factors that include energy, water and environmental concerns of both the inhabitants and the neighbours, but also not neglecting other factors that lead to its sustainability that have been discussed above. Re-evaluation of the energy and water performance of each building that has been completed has to be implemented (Adelaide City Council, 2007).Therefore considering all this one will be able to refurbish, maintain and sustain a building. Sources Managing Your Environmental Responsibilities. ( 2005). A Planning Guide for Construction Development by U. S. Environmental Protection Agency Taylor, B. (2006. June), The ten key principles of green fire, White Paper, Melbourne: Adelaide City Council (2007), Environment projects, Acces sed from http://www. adelaidecitycouncil. com/scripts/nc. dll? ADCC:STANDARD::pc=PC_175 The State University of New York (2004). UB High Performance Building Guidelines by the University at Buffalo, the State University of New York

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Cognitive development and Aging Paper Essay

As people age their bodies go through a lot of changes physically as well as psychologically. As humans age normally they undergo changes in their brain which affect cognitive functioning and development. Each person is different so the age-related changes in the structure of the brain and in its function as well as in cognition and cognitive domains are not uniform across the whole brain, nor are the uniform across individuals. This means that some of the changes that a person goes through due to aging another person may not experience. The two basic cognitive functions that are affected most by a person aging is attention and memory (Glisky, 2007). The thing that a person needs to know is that memory and attention are not unitary functions; there are multiple parts to both functions some of which may not be affected by a person aging while others are affected. According to the Glisky (2007), perception in a person as the person ages declines due to declining sensory capacities whic h can impact the cognitive functions later in a person. Perception is a person’s senses such as touch, sight, taste, and smells which is why some people believe that it is actually a precognition function. According to Anderson (2010), perception is the sensory experience of the world around individuals which involve recognition of environmental stimuli as well as actions in response to the stimuli. What this means is that as a person goes through life they recognize things such as sounds, smells, people, etc. and they react accordingly to these things based on their perceptions of them. When this function starts to decline with a person’s age the person starts to lose the ability to recognize things. Attention is a basic cognitive process but a complex one that has multiple sub-processes for different aspects of attention processes (Glisky, 2007). Attention is involved in almost all of the other cognitive domains in some way or another, up until a person starts to preform automatic or habitual  behaviors. Up until the time a person is completely tasks or behaviors that have become habit, such as knowing how much milk to put into a person’s coffee, then attention is inv olved in nearly all aspects. This means that as a person starts to age and their attention begins to decline there are broad-reaching effects that take place to a person’s ability to function efficiently and adequately in daily life (Glisky, 2007). Of attention divided attention has shown to have a significant decline in performance when linked with a person’s increase of age, especially when the tasks people are being asked to complete become more complex. According to Anderson (2010), as adults age significant impairments become apparent on their attentional tasks especially those requiring the person to divide or switch attention among different tasks or multiple inputs. While older adults tend to be slower on performance tasks then younger adults they are not impaired by distraction being able to maintain concentration for a concentrated period of time. According to Anderson (2010), older adults tend to show impairment on task which requires flexible control of attention, a cognitive function associated with the frontal lobes of the brain. What this means that if a person has to have attention divided among two or more processes or the person needs to switch attention from one thing to another in older adults this fu nction may become more impaired and less easy for the older adults to perform. A task like driving which requires the person to have attention focused on several different things becomes difficult for the adult to perform adequately. Memory is another process of cognitive functioning that may become impaired as a person gets older. According to Glisky (2007), memory is a multidimensional cognitive construct that is believed to be a fundamental source of age-related deficits in a variety of cognitive tasks such as long-term memory LTM, problem-solving, language, and decision making. All of these tasks are listed under working memory which is a limited capacity system that is relatively short-term and is responsible for active manipulation of information being maintained currently in attention. This means that working memory is taking the information that a person has at attention and processing the information into a short limited memory while the person needs it. Tasks such as making decisions, solving problems, and even the process of planning behaviors to achieve goals are all tasks that may be affected by aging as a person finds it’s harder to  actively manipulate and organize information in working m emory. According to Glisky (2007), aging specifically affects episodic memory, or more specifically events or experiences from a person’s past. Memories of past events though the person believes that they are fully intact may actually just be general core information but lacks in details of the event or experience that took place. Additionally, processes like encoding and retrieval of memory, or context of information, demands attentional resources that may be lacking. An older adult might find that they are unable to process information into memory, having a harder time retrieving things from memory, and are unable to process context of memory such as if they read it somewhere or were a part of the actual event. The aging process of a person impacts the person’s cognitive abilities greatly. Age-related changes though not universal among every person may affect a person’s cognitive functioning and domains greatly. Deficits and declines happen during the aging process in individuals which accounts for the slowed or impaired processes in older individuals. Much of the cognitive functioning that has been studied and shows decline is in attention and memory of individuals. The thing that a person needs to know is that memory and attention are not unitary functions; there are multiple parts to both functions some of which may not be affected by a person aging while others are affected. There is still much information that needs to be studied for a better understanding into the cognitive processes as they relate to aging. References Anderson, J. R. (2010). Cognitive psychology and its implications (7th ed.). New York, NY: Worth Publishers Glisky, E. (2007). Brain Aging: Models, Methods, and Mechanisms.. Bethesda, MD: Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.